
[Crowne Plaza Guangzhou City Centre]
酒店权重 7.9 媒体印象 8.1 推荐指数 7.2
电话:020-83638888 传真:020-81282821/81282806
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区域:广东省 - 广州市
在410家广东省酒店中排名第8 | 在104家广州市酒店中排名第4


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携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 1***5 2017-11-28酒店性价比高,就在地铁站旁边,交通方便,退房时手续简单,服务良好,值得再入住,在广交会期间,可以有这个价格是很好的。
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 2***5 2017-11-27I am here to help my UK guest to write the comment. First of all, we are not very satisfied with their hospitality here in Guangzhou Crowne Plaza. We are all IHG members and very happy to stay within the brand, no matter Intercontinental or Crowne Plaza in other cities. But honestly speaking, the service here in this one was not at that level. They don’t have any greeting knowledge from the concierge to the front desk and rest of the staff in this hotel. Second, no eye contacts. When checked in, staffs in the front office seem very busy but when talking with us, they were rude but busy with the computer. When other guest came towards, the staff talks with them without completing our check in. Third, we are feeling this is an international hotel and they treat European faces better than Asian faces. Fourth, we finally checked in at 3pm but no apologize front the staff, the staff told we have to check the toiletries by ourselves because the housekeepers just finished the cleaning and they might miss to put. We don’t this this should happen in any five star hotel, and indeed we don’t have the toilet tissues. I have to call when I am already sit on the toilet. Fifth, it was a very busy hotel, and the staff were not trying to help or guide the guests, we are looking for the lift and no one helps. We are standing in the lift and the staff were not aware to help the guest to press the lift. Sixth, the coffee were too expensive which three cups cost 170 RMB with only half cups of each. That should not be the price for a normal coffee. Beijing Crowne plaza only charge for 30 RMB each. Finally, as an IHG member, we haven’t been offer any welcome drinks or fruit because they said we booked in Ctrip. But in Changsha, Beijing, hefei we all get the welcome drinks. And with other hotels they all said welcome the IHG members coming back to stay. We would say the quality of the service here were below the standards of Crowne Plaza brand, and should not happen in any five stars hotels.
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 2***5 2017-11-27非常不满意这家的服务,跟其他IHG集团的所有品牌完全没有可比性。我是和两个老外,一个英国人一个马来西亚人入住,酒店是我定的。问题1,下出租酒店门口很乱,礼宾部完全不理人,一直闲晃。问题2,入住当天很繁忙但是check in 前台只有2-3个服务人员,其他人可能在忙。但是我在英国工作过的五星级酒店如果高峰期是会多开服务窗口。supervisor都会实时控制随时顶上来。问题3,酒店没有任何greeting!!! 前台不跟客人打招呼,包括我们都是IHG会员,像“欢迎您再次入住,欢迎入住”这种简单greeting都没有。包括其他服务人员,大堂,餐吧,电梯遇到服务人员都不跟客人打招呼,也不帮忙按电梯。我都会帮其他客人按电梯!!我只是住客。问题4,我们下午一点入住,前台对我的英国客人很友好,给了房间,但是并没有给我和马来西亚人房间。马来西亚也是英国籍只是长得像中国人。前台问我和马来人,你俩是不是一个房间,为什么中国人两个人看起来要住一个房间?当然这个可能只是觉得我们是英国人助手?但是我们预订号你自己可以查,为什么直观认为中国人两人一间。而且说房间没收拾好需要我们晚点入住。问题5,前台给了我们房间号并没有给房卡,让我和马来人一小时后来。我们三点回来,她却说需要身份证!为什么不早说!而且前台跟我说,拿房卡当然需要身份证,这种语气,趾高气昂,并且没有眼神交流,一副恨忙的样子。连马来西亚人都看不下去,说为什么前台看我们长得像中国人久特别不耐烦?为什么中国人自己看不起中国人??问题6,等三点多拿到房卡,前台说我们刚刚收拾完可能没有洗浴用品牙刷等,请我们检查,如果没有跟客房要!what?这不是酒店需要检查好么?五星级酒店都不如快捷酒店了?果然,我们卫生间没有卫生纸... 问题7,餐吧咖啡,1杯拿铁2杯美式一共170人民币!!!而且只有半杯!我在北京皇冠假日一杯30多块,正常价格并且满杯,为什么广州皇冠咖啡能这么贵,即便我们可以报销,也不想喝天价咖啡!问题8,我在官网定的房间有会员入住免费饮料,但是我的同事是携程定的,我们理解没有会员饮品。但是她也是IHG白金会员,拿出卡片去其他像我们入住的北京,合肥,长沙,都给了她饮品。但是广州皇冠前台一根筋怎么都不给,说你们携程定的没有。其实我自己之前在英国从事酒店行业,也清楚其实对于高级会员如果人家问起来,一杯特饮或者一个果盘并没有多大成本。并且其他城市都有,只能说不会变通,让人不舒服。我们可能以后不会选择广州皇冠假日。最后只能说房间很好硬件不错,但是服务达不到连锁酒店该有的水平,不如快捷酒店。谢谢
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 J***Y 2017-11-26不错的选择
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 臭***鱼 2017-11-23特别好的酒店!!十分喜欢!!!各方面都很到位!!!下次有机会还会住,不愧为皇冠!名副其实!!!!!!
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 D***9 2017-11-22早餐还行,酒店房间老旧,有股气味。房间够大但不够温馨!
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 M***3 2017-11-20酒店设施已经陈旧,。。。。。。。。。
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 s***s 2017-11-18这是我第一次入住这家酒店,总体感觉还不错。交通便利、客房设施较好,酒店服务质量尚可,会向亲朋好友们推荐的话
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 E***6 2017-11-13不错,服务很好
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 快***玩 2017-11-12很如
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 i***e 2017-11-10退房时大堂前台女服务员态度和脸色,让我感觉我皇冠假日还不如如家宾馆!差!差!差评!1280块房费的服务还不如280块的如家!
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 M***8 2017-11-10
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 M***8 2017-11-10四楼有餐厅,一楼有银行,酒吧。比较方便的
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 6***1 2017-11-08位置好,尤其是服务态度很好!
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 基***机 2017-11-05
