
[Fuyang International Trade Center Hotel]
酒店权重 7.1 媒体印象 7.1 推荐指数 6.1
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区域:浙江省 - 杭州市
在388家浙江省酒店中排名第128 | 在159家杭州市酒店中排名第50


携程网(Ctrip)住店用户评价 缤客网(booking.com)住店用户评价 马蜂窝旅游网住店用户评价 猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)住店用户评价 艺龙旅行网住店用户评价 安可达(Agoda)住店用户评价 京东旅行网住店用户评价 飞猪网住店用户评价 去哪儿网住店用户评价 途牛旅游网住店用户评价
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 _***7 2017-01-02服务很到位,退房还有送宝宝礼品,速度也很快,推荐哦
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 M***t 2017-01-01My family spent the 2017 new year's eve at the hotel. It was by far the best experience we had for a long while, especially in a city with the size like Fuyang. The hotel looks so magnificent and splendid, yet the rooms are so warm and cozy. It felt like a home away from the home. The staffs were well trained. They were so courteous that everywhere we went, we met with smiles. They were so patient to answer our questions, and were very helpful in getting us around. This was especially true for the customer relations ***ager, Mr. Peter Tang. The food was also very good. The salad was so fresh that you could tell the ingredients were well selected. My kids are used to American foods. But they ate a lot at the breakfast bar, and said they enjoyed the food. One last thing I want to share. The rooms were well sound proofed that we did not hear any noise made by my kids living next door. And it was a pleasant surprise that we did not hear the show noise during our stay, even when my kids were taking showers next door.
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 吴***爸 2017-01-01酒店位置非常好,服务更加nice,下次到富阳还会选择。
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 1***1 2017-01-01酒店地理位置不错,在富春江边,环境优美,早餐丰富,酒店服务员热情周到,房间有下午茶,水果与茶点,让人感觉温馨。
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 M***7 2017-01-01服务很好,唐经理很热情!
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 1***3 2016-12-31酒店非常好,性价比很高。服务周到,富春山居其实都不如这里实在。
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 M***0 2016-12-30房间不错,服务也挺人性化,刚到房间就送了壶茶,晚上还有水果和点心,点心外包装上还有张小纸条写着祝您一夜好梦 感觉挺温馨 小冰箱的东西还能免费吃 富阳国贸越来越好了
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 嘻***球 2016-12-29设施一般,但是,但是服务超棒,办理入住是赠送了我行政楼层春江阁的早餐,宾客关系助理唐晓波送我到房间,然后安排人送热牛奶到房间,进房间夜床已经开好,还有欢迎水果,迷你吧的饮料薯片巧克力都免费,第二天延住一天,晚上刚回来就有美女(小卡片署名逯慧茹)送水果,酸奶,还有小吃过来。真的物超所值。
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 Z***午 2016-12-29环境好,干净舒适
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 j***h 2016-12-28性价比不错的
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 1***8 2016-12-28很好的风景和设施,值得前往
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 1***6 2016-12-26嗯酒店环境优美,卫生整洁,尤其是服务人员态度很好。
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 _***1 2016-12-25感谢徐主任的小礼物,宝宝很开心,也谢谢唐经理的水和面包,很不错的酒店,服务超棒。下次还会再来
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 _***4 2016-12-25入住就送来热茶,进房间又有欢迎茶,感谢唐经理给小宝宝的圣诞礼物,下次还会过来
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 _***3 2016-12-24服務很好,賓客服務部唐經理非常nice,酒店位置也很不錯,富陽酒店首選。
