
[Landison Longjing Resort Hangzhou]
酒店权重 7 媒体印象 6.9 推荐指数 6.1
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区域:浙江省 - 杭州市
在388家浙江省酒店中排名第151 | 在159家杭州市酒店中排名第62


携程网(Ctrip)住店用户评价 缤客网(booking.com)住店用户评价 马蜂窝旅游网住店用户评价 猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)住店用户评价 艺龙旅行网住店用户评价 安可达(Agoda)住店用户评价 京东旅行网住店用户评价 飞猪网住店用户评价 去哪儿网住店用户评价 途牛旅游网住店用户评价
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 _***2 2016-12-10环境各方面都不错
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 w***e 2016-12-08不错
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 l***n 2016-12-08地处?井山民居深处,感受世外桃源的悠然,真是城市人的闲瑕好去处,会常来的心情
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 k***n 2016-12-07很好的酒店,除了走廊稍有味道外,其他都很好
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 E***1 2016-12-05I was dropped off at the road by a taxi driver who most likely had not taken a fare here before. I had a 3/4 of a mile walk back to the hotel. Once I saw the front of the building I knew I was in the right place. The staff was very attentive not everyone spoke English but, they would find someone who could. There is a restaurant in the hotel and a tea bar. My room had a day room and a bedroom. There is a balcony with each room from mine I see tea fields. The breakfast buffet is very good Chinese and Western foods they have a noodle bar I had noodles every morning. They dinner menu has some very interesting English translations but, you can figure out what they mean mostly. The food was good I ate breakfast and dinner three times each meal was very good I am a chef I have an idea of what is good what is poorly prepared and the food here is well prepared.
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 1***7 2016-12-05价格贵了点,离庄园还有很大距离。
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 D***d 2016-12-05空气好
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 S***贝 2016-12-04来了不止一次了 周围环境很好 适合休闲度假
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 M***6 2016-12-02环境一流
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 2***9 2016-12-02难找!没导航找不到!环境可以设施有點老!下次不会去了!
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 波***错 2016-12-01酒店位置很舒服
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 M***4 2016-11-30还算不错!
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 郁***6 2016-11-30酒店非常不错,就是位置有些偏,非自驾出行和到达不太方便
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 燕***子 2016-11-29空气清新环境绝佳
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 1***7 2016-11-29不错
