
[Landison Longmen Resort Hangzhou]
酒店权重 6.4 媒体印象 7.3 推荐指数 4.9
电话:0571-63578888-50 传真:0571-63579955
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区域:浙江省 - 杭州市
在388家浙江省酒店中排名第295 | 在159家杭州市酒店中排名第125


携程网(Ctrip)住店用户评价 缤客网(booking.com)住店用户评价 马蜂窝旅游网住店用户评价 猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)住店用户评价 艺龙旅行网住店用户评价 安可达(Agoda)住店用户评价 京东旅行网住店用户评价 飞猪网住店用户评价 去哪儿网住店用户评价 途牛旅游网住店用户评价
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 纤***玉 2016-10-15赞,服务好。
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 纤***玉 2016-10-15酒店客房很宽敞,就是进去的时候会有点新装修的味道,但客房服务员很快为我们搬来了空气净化器,并开空调开窗通风,气味就没有那么重了,服务给点赞。
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 晴***物 2016-10-15酒店的餐饮还是很划算的,吃的也很满足,下次会再来。
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 纤***君 2016-10-14酒店还是蛮不错的。。
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 雅***乎 2016-10-14不错,环境很好。
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 甜***腻 2016-10-14不错,不错,环境好,服务好。
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 纤***君 2016-10-14餐饮服务员服务很细心,赞
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 雅***乎 2016-10-14酒店挺不错的,好评。
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 甜***腻 2016-10-14适合度假,很不错。
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 M***朱 2016-10-11酒店刚装修完还有油漆味,浴缸放出来的水是黄的,不知道什么原因,总体感觉一般,性价比不高。
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 1***6 2016-10-08国庆期间去的,酒店因为是新开业的,所以房间里有较大的装修味道。如果这个问题能尽快解决,就满分了。
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 G***n 2016-10-07服务好、设施新、环境优美、价格合理!
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 H***冲 2016-10-03房间特别大,卫生间特别好,牙膏进口的。还有小朋友拖鞋。非常棒,而且服务特别好。有机会还会再来。
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 _***5 2016-10-03The hotel's room is great. Nice authentic chinese deco, big bed and spacious toilet. No facilities in the hotel and the breakfast was simple. The only site seeing is the old town of Long Men, no wow factor or whatsoever, just an old town, not very well ***aged. However, these 2 days trip was ruined by the local policy of having to present my original copy of passport. Firstly, ctrip website has not mention anything about this policy and my photocopy passport was not sufficient. I have to go to the police station to log a report but the local authority wasnt helpful and was very rude. I have waited more than 2 hours unattended, went back again at night but no officer there to attend to me. Hotel ***ager said they cant allow me to stay if I didnt log the report. The ***ager then ***aged to speak to the officer over the phone. Apparently, I dont think they have experience handle such case and told the hotel ***ager to let me stay 1 night and I have to leave the next day. Sigh...my 6 hours drive and the whole holiday mood was ruined. As a guest visiting, the local counsel and hotel has not done their part well in treating foreign guest. Very upsetting and feel unwelcome!
携程网(Ctrip)住店用户 大***H 2016-10-02还可以
